
Well done. You’re almost there. I am writing this message from the past, beginning at the end. At this moment, it is an anachronism, but it will slowly slip backward in time. Though many may read it, I write it…

Always Changing Probably

I must resist the foils. Shall I become hideous to them? Shall I construct a bullwark? I need a lefttennant with my best interests in mind. A guard against the foil. That is what is always missing from the scene:…

Foolishness and Shame

I saw her again, the avatar. Garbed as a swashbuckler and lovely beyond reason. In the company of the dread pirate, a man I come to find was a knave of the blackest stripe. The pattern appears and the players…

This has all been wonderful, but now I’m on my way.

I really hate good-byes. I haven’t said good-bye to this many people since… well, ever. The thought of having this conversation with every one of you just breaks my heart, so I hope you will forgive the e-mail. In about 2 weeks I will be moving to Austin, Texas. So I guess this is me putting in my 2 weeks’ notice to Albuquerque. To a lot of things, actually.


Where are you? I can’t find you. I’m going to start calling to you, but I don’t know if you can hear me where you are. I don’t even know your name. I call you Elysia in the stories because…

First Time Flowing

The airplane is the epitome of safety, order and restraint. Everything designed to induce calm and minimize contact. Other passengers apologize for touching me, ashamed of the slightest nudge that briefly bridges a gap. But I want to be jostled;…


About two years ago I lost the ability to fly. Not like Superman, nothing so impressive. Just a loose kind of upright hovering, as though my heart were suspended from a cloud passing high overhead. The onsets came unannounced: Electricity warmed my spine and I simply inhaled, drifting upward, dangling until I could push off a nearby wall or streetlight.

It unnerved passersby. Spontaneously flying people were unsafe or at least untrustworthy.